When someone gets hurt in Maryland, it’s not always their fault. In some cases, the law says certain people or companies are responsible for injuries, even if they didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. This is called strict liability
Car accidents can happen in the blink of an eye, leaving behind more than just damaged vehicles. More often than not, the victims of car accidents leave with back and neck injuries. These can range from mild and inconvenient to
Getting the right personal injury lawyer is necessary for anyone who has been a victim of a situation that has hurt them physically or mentally due to a third party’s negligence.
People often shy away from filing a personal injury case due to several reasons. It may be because of myths surrounding personal injury cases, fear, or wanting to avoid the hassle of a potentially complex case.
If you have been injured due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another individual, you are eligible to file a personal injury case. In most cases, you will need a personal injury lawyer to represent your case and advocate for
If you have been injured in an accident, it is important to seek the help of an attorney. A personal injury lawyer can inform you about your legal rights and options, and can guide you through the process of seeking
Pain and suffering due to personal injury are intense, and often the cause of involvement in legal cases. Medical costs (or economic losses) associated with an accident are often recovered, but it is often not known if the ‘other damages’
In Maryland, when an individual is found under the influence, they’re administered a blood test or a breath test by law enforcement, mostly in a police station within a few hours of the arrest.
Have you been injured in an accident in Maryland that wasn’t your fault? If so, you may be wondering how to prove fault in a personal injury case. What evidence do you need to prove fault? And how long does